It's Happening

And it feels good. After having sniffed at entrepreneurship in my previous job as a partner at Anchormen, a  data & AI consultancy, it is now time to build something new. Starting as a freelance Technical Debt Collector I will help companies manager their technical debt as an interim Tech Lead within the software, data and ML space.

That's a big space, and I will probably need to refine that, but my interests and experience are also broad. So 2021 will be about seeing if and how that will be narrowed down. For now I had a lot of things to setup to get started. From Chamber of Commerce to e-mail to insurances and pension saving, being a freelancer in the Netherlands (or most other countries) requires you to organize some things.

If you're interested in making the same step I will not bore you with all the options, but I can just tell you what I chose. Special thanks to the people that supplied me with valuable input! See the table below with the choices I made for all the to-dos. Contact me if you have specific questions.

Item Choice or comment
Website Ghost Pro
Productivity Office 365
Business Plan Yes, write one, this helps you focus
Financial Plan Gives you a feel of what your revenue needs to be
Banking Knab
Admin MoneyMonk
Phone KPN
Insurances Company & Occupation Liability, Legal Support and Incapacity For Work

So what's next?

As of January 2021, I will start as an interim Tech-Lead at Spheremall. Really looking forward to that new challenge. Furthermore, in my free time, I'm learning to become a Rustacean. The purpose of this blog will be part documenting and sharing knowledge, part marketing and part the catharsis of writing, and I hope you will enjoy the journey with me!